Getting to know Dame Jeanne
Bier transformeren tot een smaakvolle mousserende aperitiefdrank is geen sinecure. Dat weten we bij Dame Jeanne maar al te goed, want we hebben ons net gespecialiseerd in het klaren en ontgisten van brut bieren volgens de traditionele methode (méthode champenoise).
Making fine sparkling beer is an extremely precise process and most brewers think we're crazy. With these brut beers there are twice as many sugars being fermented during the refermentation in the bottle as usual, which considerably increases the risk of exploding bottles. It's a huge challenge and one that requires a lot of skill, knowledge and patience.
We've had the knowledge to produce sparkling wines for a while now. We used to make sparkling wines at Dame Jeanne, and we even gave workshops on the subject. In 2012, however, we decided to switch to the production of brut beers. We consulted the Champagne oenological center in Epernay and brewer Marc Struyf from Den Triest micro-brewery in Kapelle-op-den-Bos, and then spent years experimenting before popping the first cork.
It is not only the production process, but also the careful selection of hops and yeast varieties that determine the aromas and flavors of our brut beers. Through a thoughtful selection of ingredients, we try to bring the typical flavors of sparkling wines into the beer without suppressing the distinctive beer and hop flavor.
The use of natural champagne yeast also plays an important role. It makes the drink bead which results in a special experience.
For each of our brut beers, we have therefore carefully selected the right hops and yeast varieties and we also deliberately opt for a refermentation in the bottle for at least 3 months. Only in this way can we guarantee a balance between sparkling bubbles, flavour complexity and roundness and a slightly bitter aftertaste.
Méthode traditionelle
Belgisch Brut Bier
100% natuurlijk

In 2017, we had to look for a new production space. The choice of the Noordheuvel custom company in Brasschaat was quickly made. After all, at Dame Jeanne we strongly believe in the power of corporate social responsibility. Several stages of our production and packaging process are carried out with the greatest care by people with a disability. Dame Jeanne brut beers are therefore not only purely Belgian and traditionally produced, but also socially responsible!